JTM is a creative collective based on the work of Joui Turandot and her method, JTM™ a cutting-edge modality which utilizes image and aesthetics as a tool for leadership development through the transformational power of beauty and style.
JTM comes from the philosophy that meaningful companies, movements are only as impactful as the leaders who created them. By working deeply with founders/leaders/entrepreneurs JTM supports clients as they tap into a whole new level of power by gaining clarity of vision in mission and execution. JTM is not only able to support leaders on clarity of vision and presence, JTM offers a full service of experts in design, web design, graphics, PR, social media, photography, video, copywriting, style and fashion design etc. to achieve the highest level of creative rebranding streamlining every branding touchpoint.
At JTM we empower you to utilize image as an integral piece of your message as a Leader in a way that makes your imprint truly memorable.